Have you had trouble finding affordable personal health insurance? Don't feel alone. The rising cost of health insurance has affected many individuals and families and also had a major impact on small businesses. This one factor alone has been responsible for so many people trying to find personal health insurance coverage. Because many small businesses could no longer afford to provide insurance to their employees, these people are now forced into the private sector to find health insurance and it's not cheap by any means.
There are some advantages, as an individual, that you have over a family. The biggest one is that you being one person can plan on only seeing a doctor an average of twice per year. Once for an illness and once for an annual check-up. If you can manage to put some money aside in order to pay cash for these visits then you can realistically raise your personal health insurance deductible up to a higher level. This will substantially lower your monthly premium payments. Look at it this way. Let's say that you're paying for a policy that has a $500.00 annual deductible. In this example you'll be paying for your visits to the doctor out of your own pocket anyway because you have to pay your deductible first each year before your policy will provide coverage. So unless you can afford to buy insurance with a zero deductible you'll have to plan on paying for something yourself.
The main idea here is to pay the small costs of the doctor visits yourself and protect yourself against hospitalization and long term care costs. It's more difficult for a family to set aside money for doctor visits because there would be two per year multiplied by the amount of family members, but as an individual you can pull this off and save yourself some money over the long term while still knowing that you'll be mostly covered in the event of an emergency. Something to think about if you're looking for personal health insurance.
Joe Stewart Is A Former Life & Health Insurance Agent. You Can Now Learn More About Health Insurance And Get Free Health Insurance Quotes By Visiting http://TheHealthInsuranceGuys.org or by clicking on Personal Health Insurance
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