Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Golden Rule United Healthcare Company of Arizona Review

Golden Rule Health Insurance of Arizona ( part of the United Healthcare family of companies) is just another of the many insurance companies that the 48th state admitted into the U.S. has to offer. If you live within the state of Arizona and know people that are covered through this health insurance company, then perhaps you may have heard the "follow the Golden Rule and you will find assurance" statement.

Golden Rule Health Insurance Company was founded in the year 1940 by Michael and Mary Rooney. The couple founded it in the city of Lawrence, Illinois; however the main office of this company can be found in Indianapolis, Indiana ever since the 1970's. The most important event in the history of this company was when they were bought by United Healthgroup Inc. in 2003 for the sum of $500 million. Ever since that year the company has been known as one of the most important subsidiaries to United Healthgroup Inc. and can now be found in 28 out of the 50 states of the nation.

Best known across the country for the low-cost and excellent coverage given to its members, Golden Rule Insurance Company also offers their members of selected states the option of Health Savings Accounts (HSA) compatible plans. What this means is that the premium they pay monthly and the costs they will have to pay for the services will be much lower. This is simply due to the fact that a Health Savings Account is a tax-favored savings account combined with a high deductible health insurance plan and the best of all is that they are the main type of consumer driven healthcare. What this means is that a person with an HSA can control their own health care decisions.

Golden Rule Insurance has exceeded their expectations through these three years they have worked under the United Healthgroup Company and are proud of their outstanding service. It is exactly the customer service part of Golden Rule that brings the company to the top of the health care industry. They process about 94% of quotes within 10 days or less and they also offer discounts of 35%-45% for their members thanks to their nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. Because of customer service and the outstanding coverage that they offer their members A.M. Best has given them a rating of A (Excellent) while Standard and Poor's have followed that with an A+ (Strong) rating. United Healthgroup, the parent company of Golden Rule Health serves more than 28 million members in the U.S. and provide higher quality care from an estimated 470,000 physicians in 4,500 hospitals across the country.

Golden Rule Health in the state of Arizona offers seven distinctive plans with many variations. This means that the plans and the network are associated by name, but within the plan the customer can choose their deductibles, their copays and in turn decide how high their monthly premium is going to be. Below you will find the seven plans that are offered in Arizona with a detailed description of what services it has and how much you should be expected to pay when you decide to use those services.

Plan 100: With this plan you have the following choices on deductibles: $1500, $2500, $3500 or $5000. They will pay 100% of the co-insurances on services once you have paid the deductible and the rate is locked for 12 months. For preventive care services (Doctor Visits, Child Immunizations and Mammograms) you wont have to pay anything once you meet your deductible, the same goes for outpatient services (doctor visits, prescription drugs and lab tests such as X-rays). The only thing you would have to pay is an emergency room fee of $100 if you don't get admitted into the hospital in case of going for an emergency. For inpatient services everything is covered 100% once you meet your deductible. It is important to note that since everything is paid for once you meet that deductible; the monthly rates might be a little higher than other plans.

Plan 80: This plan is much the same as the 100 plan. You will be able to choose between $1500, $2500, $3500 and $5000 deductibles and the rate will be locked for 12 months. The difference comes in the co-insurance payments once your deductible is reached. With this plan you will have to pay 20% to $3000. This means that the company will pay 80% of the co-insurance and up to $12000, then everything is covered. For preventive services such as doctor visits, immunizations and mammograms you should expect to say 20%. For outpatient services such as doctor visits, prescription drugs, CAT scans and MRIs you should also expect to pay 20% co-insurance. The emergency room fee is different because if you decide to go you will have to pay 20% co-insurance plus $100 more if you are not admitted. Inpatient services such as surgeries you also will be required to pay 20% of the total cost once your deductible has been met.

Saver 80: This plan is a little different that the two plans we have seen and is the plan with the lowest monthly premium because is the one that charges you more when you use the services. You have deductible choices of $500, $1000, $1500, $2500, $3500 and $5000 and just like the other two your rate will be locked for 12 months. Most preventive care is not covered and you will have to pay 20% co-insurance for preventive tests such as mammograms and Pap Smears. Outpatient Services are also much different under this plan. If you decide to go for a doctor visit you will have to pay full price, in other words you are not covered. Outpatient drug prescriptions are not covered, however a discount card is sent over the mail for members of this plan. Everything else is 20% co-insurance, except that with the emergency room fee you will have to pay $500 if you are not admitted. All inpatient services are 20% co-insurance as well.

Copay Select: This plan is a copay based plan instead of a co-insurance one. What this means is that you will have to pay a particular amount for most of the services instead of a percentage. With Copay Select you will be able to choose from $500, $1000, $1500, $2500 and $5000 in deductibles and your rate would be locked in for 12 months. For preventive care office visits and outpatient doctor visits you will have to pay $35 dollars. The prescription drugs under this plan are divided into tiers (generic, brand name and specialty) and you will have to pay $15, $30 and $60 accordingly. You will have to pay a 20% co-insurance in all the other outpatient services as well as inpatient care. Emergency room fee if you are not admitted is $100.

Copay Saver: This is another copay plan offered by Golden Rule Health in AZ. The plan only allows the member to choose from a $2500 and a $5000 deductible. Most Preventive care is not covered and only tests such as mammograms in which you would have to pay 20% are covered. For outpatient services you will have to pay $35 for a maximum of 2 visits per year, although you can purchase more. The prescription drug tier would $15 for generic with brand name and specialty drugs not covered and everything else would be a 20% co-insurance. The emergency room fee if you are not admitted is $500 and inpatient services are covered if you pay 20% co-insurance.

HSA 100: These plans are compatible with health savings accounts. Deductibles for this plan are $1100, $1850, $2850, $3500 and $5000 for an individual and for a family those deductibles double. The rate is locked in for 12 months and after you reach your deductible you won't have to pay for a single thing. Everything under preventive care, outpatient services and inpatient care is covered 100%. No need for copayments or co-insurances, not even if you go to the emergency room and are not admitted.

HSA Saver: These is another plan compatible with a health savings account. Deductibles for this plan are the same as the other one: $1100, $1850, $2850, $3500 and $5000 for individual and those are doubled for family. Within preventive care you are only covered 100% for tests, other than that you are not covered. Outpatient care is quite different from the other Health Saving Account plan. You will not be covered for doctor visits and for prescription coverage you will only be given a discount card. If you don't get admitted to the emergency room when you go, then a fee of $250 will be implemented. Impatient care stays the same and you will be covered 100% for anything within this category.

To compare Golden Rule United Healthcare Arizona health insurance quotes then be sure and request a quote comparison of Golden Rule against other top Arizona health insurance companies to determine if they may be a good choice for your health insurance needs. Get started comparing individual health insurance quotes today!