If you are attending college, you must be prepared to either; provide proof of insurance, find a temporary insurance policy. or purchase coverage through the school you are attending. This is done to prevent uninsured students from becoming a liability for the college. If you look at this objectively, it also saves you from any potentially financially devastating medical bills.
Living in a dorm is a bit like living in a large petri dish. If one student becomes sick, the illness tends to spread through the dorm population in no time at all. If a student is insured, he or she would be more likely to see a doctor and obtain medication, if needed, to stop the illness in it's tracks. In addition, if a student were to be injured on campus, it would be in the best interest of the college for the student to be covered by health insurance.
How does this affect you as a student? If you are not already insured, you will either have to purchase temporary insurance, which can quickly eat up your savings, or you could finance this through financial aid by purchasing student health insurance through your college to get your student health insurance
Compared to the overall cost of a college education, student health insurance is usually just a small amount. State colleges and universities offer policies that cost approximately 1/10 of the cost of tuition, which is not too bad. However, if you attend a private college, it might be worth your while to check out alternative sources of insurance, as insurance at a private school could be more expensive.
Looking for affordable student health insurance? Visit http://www.HealthInsuranceStrategies.info a website specializing in giving ways to save a bundle on your family and individual health insurance coverage.