Monday, August 25, 2008

How to Get Individual and Family Health Treatment by Getting Affordable Health Insurance

Affordable health insurance is almost a requirement these days, but forty million Americans are entirely uninsured. Ten million of these people are young singles, but the rest have families to worry about. It used to be possibly to rely on your employer to provide an affordable group insurance plan, but those days have passed. With cost-cutting on the rise, many employers are reducing or dropping their benefits plans entirely. Because premiums for individual plans are rising, it can be hard to find insurance you can pay for, whether for yourself or for your family. Many states have laws that mandate affordable insurance for children, but adults who are unable to buy into pricey plans are left without any ability to get insurance.

Especially if you're self-employed, or retire early, insurance can seem like a far off luxury, but if an accident or unexpected illness occurs, it's a necessity. Hospital bills and tests can run up tens of thousands of dollars in debt. The primary cause of personal bankruptcy declarations in the country is debt from medical expenses. People suffering from pre-existing conditions can especially find themselves in a bind, since they need to have treatment on a regular basis, but can't find any insurance that will cover them. These people can sometimes make use of short term insurance plans to cover the gap while they look for a provider who will insure them. These plans are inexpensive, but don't cover everything.

Some states have laws that regulate the insurance business, guaranteeing that anyone will be able to find coverage. However, this coverage is often very expensive, since the insurance providers raise rates across the board to cover their costs. In states with restrictive laws, there can also be few health insurance companies to choose from, since many companies will pull out if they feel that it's not profitable to do business there.

Check out prices and companies online to get the largest pool of prices and information. You can often get immediate quotes from several companies at a time, with the benefits spelled out. You can also consider using a broker who knows the local market. They'll help you shop for a good price, as well as knowing whether companies have a habit of raising premiums or refusing to pay claims. You can also get good information from your state's insurance board. This will tell you what companies are required to do in your state. Many states offer low cost insurance to the children of low income families who can find no other insurance, for example.

If you've been turned down elsewhere, you may also be able to get coverage from your state's insurance pool. Beware of high rates here, though. This is the last resort for people looking for affordable coverage, because the state's high-risk pool has to pay out claims regularly. If you are likely to get employment that will provide health insurance soon, consider a short term plan. This will keep you covered in case of emergency, and is the cheapest type of insurance.

For more information about Affordable Health Insurance visit where we have comprehensive guides to getting great value health care including affordable health care in San Jose information, and affordable health insurance in Long Beach, California.