Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Find Health Insurance Even If You Have a Pre-Existing Condition

Health Insurance is on the rise and finding great coverage can be a challenge. If you have a Pre-Existing Condition then finding Health Coverage that is affordable can be even a greater challenge for you. There are some options that you can take advantage of but you need to know the facts so you can be successful in your search for an affordable health care provider.

Millions of people are uninsured and this is a bad situation because you never know when you will need to go to the hospital or emergency room. Because the cost of health insurance is on the rise so many people can not afford it and so they have gone without. But even if you do not have a lot of money there is insurance that you can afford.

If you have been declined for insurance coverage because of a Pre-Existing Condition then you are not alone. The insurance companies are creating more and more conditions so that they can find a way to decline us coverage. It is important to know what is considered a Pre-Existing Condition.

Many insurance companies will take your medical records and see if you have had heart problems or diabetes and say these are pre-conditions. But a lot of insurance companies are now taking it to extremes and saying that even if you are overweight then you have a condition.

If you fall into this category then you need to check and see if you can get individual health coverage or a health discount card. These can be a great way to get the coverage that you need because you never know when you have to make a trip to the doctor.

Learn how to find: Discount Health Insurance

Get some Advice about: Types of Insurance

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Insurance.

The Facts About HSA Health Care Accounts

Most companies or individuals do not understand the benefits of the fairly new HSA accounts created to help offset the rising costs of health care. What is an HSA?: Health Savings Account, it is a personal account set up by an employer, of which both the employer and the employee can contribute up to the maximum amount allowed, $2900 single and $5800 per calender year (indexed to inflation). Unlike HRA or Flex plans, your money rolls over each year and it goes with you if you leave your job. The plan is not popular with the Democratic party because their view it is a tax break for the wealthy. I agree it is employer driven, however-Everybody benefits from HSA plans.

If the employer funds the HSA for an employee (for whatever amount they wish) it is a tax deduction for them, premiums are pre-tax so FICA tax is saved, the employees receive the same tax advantage, any portion of the premium they pay is also tax deductible from dollar one (the 2% of income does not apply), most companies offer prescription drug discounts, free well visits once a year, OBGYN are generally just a co-pay, and of course everything you purchase over the counter for prescriptions, aspirin, eye glasses, orthodontia, are tax deductible (and a lot more). Your contribution to your HSA is tax deductible, it grows tax-free in an array of investment selections (if you reach a certain dollar amount contribution-generally around $2000), and most companies offer on-line services that you can see what your next prescription or services will cost you.

The real difference: A high deductible out of pocket is one of the requirements, most carriers put that at 1500 single, 4000 family, your premiums are generally lower than traditional health care, what that means is the first $1500 is on you, then the plan resorts to regular co-pays and prescription co-pays (if you spent 1500 you now have a 1500 deduction).

Lets say you go to the hospital for a major procedure like open heart surgery, normally you pay your out of pocket deductible (1,000, 2500, etc which is not tax deductible unless you reach 2% of AGI and anything over that you can deduct) the insurance pays 80% and you are responsible for 20%-as my six year old would say-that's a really big number.

Under the HSA, you would pay the 1500, and then 300 a day for 5 days in the hospital or 3000 total(which is now a tax deduction). However, that is your limit of your liability-3000, everything then resorts back to normal co-pays for drugs etc. Is essence, you are insuring catastophic vs. incidental.

Everybody can win with an HSA, one of the biggest causes of bankruptcy is still from medical bills.
There a few rules to abide by that IRS has established. It may be worth talking to an expert on HSA plans to see if it matches your companies needs. If you are retired with passive income you can also qualify for an HSA.

Frank J. Eberhart, CEP, RFC

I'm Frank J. Eberhart, CEP, RFC and a high net worth financial advisor and author that provides health care, 401K, wealth services and institutional money management to my clients, and have an HSA for my own company. My next book will address the 401k, health care, and how to obtain an SBA loan (fill in the blanks and take it to the bank!)

My current book will help you set up your estate, budgets, and investments it is designed to help you understand how it works.

happy reading
"life is more enjoyable when you can afford it"

3 Things That Are Important For an Inexpensive Health Insurance Plan

Why are there inexpensive and why are there costly ones? How come health insurance premiums don't go along with a general pricing system?

There are a number of things that can push the price of a health insurance premium. These are 3 of the more influential forces that make or break an inexpensive health insurance plan.

1. A healthy individual. A young, entirely fit individual will pay a lower health insurance premium than, say, a 40 somewhat focus who has developed an account of recurring diseases. The cause? It's all about the hazards involved. When the person gets ill, the insurance institution will have to provide money for his needs. It is to the insurance institution's benefit that the insured need to stay fit as much as possible. Younger subjects who have no account of any severe diseases are more fitting to the positive situations that health insurance companies desire for their companies.

2. A safe lifestyle. Working in a hazardous location? Does your life compel you to move a lot? Are you staying in a place where wrongdoings, no matter how insignificant, and other dangers are dominant? These are reasons that can make the price of the premium way over the anticipated cost for an inexpensive health insurance plan. These are risks that puts in danger the life of the person, after all. The health insurance company needs their insured affliates to stay fit as long as possible, and the aforesaid hazards are detrimental to this advantageous situation for the insurer.

3. A score. What does one's credit rating have to do with the amount of the health insurance premium, you might wonder? One of the risks that health insurance companies have to face is the inability of the insured to settle the entirety of the premium. Such an improbabilty can force the price of the premium to countless elevation. If the person has a nice credit score, then the health insurance institution will see him as a financially accountable deal. So, he can be offered the premium at a significantly lower price.

Please visit my blog if you are seeking an inexpensive health insurance plan, where you can find this article and products relating to an inexpensive health insurance plan.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Health Insurance - Identification of the Fundamental Drivers of Increasing Healthcare Costs

This article identifies the fundamental drivers of increasing healthcare premiums and costs. A supplementary measure of breaking down how existing premium dollars are being used up is taken into account.

By specifying how health insurance premiums are being used up as well as distinguishing the drivers and aspects of premium increases, this article endeavors to provide stakeholders and policymakers with information which can facilitate in directing efforts to address increasing healthcare costs and enhance healthcare efficiency.

Outlined are some of the factors which affect the overall healthcare costs:

General Inflation
General inflation is one of the factors that impacts healthcare costs. The rise in the price of healthcare beyond general inflation accounted 2.5 percent out of the 8.7 percent rise in health insurance premiums.

Higher Priced Technologies
New technologies drive the increase in healthcare prices because they are regularly more costly than existing technologies. Older drugs as well as generic drugs tend to be replaced by newer prescription drugs. And since modern imaging technologies are being sold into the commercial market at a higher value, it has been observed that these new technology cost greatly influence the price of health insurance premiums.

Cost Shifting
The growth in hospital inpatient expenditure, which is the third chief constituent of health insurance premiums, also influenced the overall premium increase. The growth in hospital inpatient spending has been alleviated by shifts and changes of services to outpatient settings, the rehabilitated introduction of disease administration programs and utilization controls programs have amplified cost sharing.

Broader-Access Networks/Provider Consolidation
The movement which was prompted by state laws and market forces towards plans in extensive provider networks has also influenced the price of health insurance premiums. Several plans have initiated open-access products which lessens the task of the primary care physician in assisting consumer access to health specialists. While various consumers have uttered an inclination for expansive provider networks, such networks apt to diminish the sum of competition in the scheme. There have been occurrences of provider consolidation which also reduced the degree of provider clash in some markets. These market directions have all contributed to health insurance premium increases each year.

Aging Population and Increased Utilization
The most significant factor in the increase in health insurance premiums is increased utilization. Lifestyle changes and the aging population both contribute to increased utilization. It is extensively acclaimed that the population is growing old as Baby Boomers move towards retirement. It has been established that the aging of the population registered in health plans greatly contributed to the rising price of health insurance premiums.

The Anthem Blue Cross can be reached through their website or by calling their toll free number at 1800-366-2751.

Health Insurance - Usual Dilemmas Associated With It

Insurance is chiefly utilized to circumvent against the consequences of a contingent loss. It is defined as the impartial shift of the consequences of a loss or failure, from one body to another, in return for a premium. The company or corporate body that is selling the insurance is called an insurer. The dynamic that is utilized to ascertain the amount to be charged for a specific amount of insurance coverage is termed as "insurance rate."

The notion of health insurance was projected by Hugh the Elder Chamberlen in the year 1694. And in the late 19th century, "accident insurance," which functions much like contemporary disability insurance, has commenced to be available. Accident insurance was introduced in the U.S. by the Massachusetts-based Franklin Health Assurance Company.

The two intrinsic challenges that must have to be dealt with by health insurance systems are adverse selection, which impacts any insurance scheme through which a third party takes on major liability for the expense - whether it is the government or an employer.

These usual problems are defeated by some national schemes with enforced insurance by utilizing plans such as community rating and risk equalization.

Moral vulnerability takes place when a consumer and health insurer enters into an agreement under symmetric information. One usual example of moral vulnerability is third-party payment. It occurs when the organization concerned in making a judgment are not accountable for bearing expenses arising from the judgment.

Adverse selection is a term utilized by health insurance companies in depicting the tendency for those who will take advantage of the insurance to acquire it. Particularly when speaking about health insurance, unhealthy consumers are more likely to obtain a health insurance for the reason that they anticipate higher medical bills. On the other hand, consumers who think they are logically healthy may come to a decision that medical insurance or health insurance is an unneeded expenditure.

A health insurance company could be left by adverse selection with principally sick subscribers and have no means to weigh out the value of their medical expenses with a huge amount of healthy subscribers. Because of the dilemma brought by adverse selection, health insurance companies utilizes medical underwriting, through the use of a patient's medical record to screen out those patients whose current medical conditions pose too much risk.

Another dilemma that is associated with health insurance is its rising costs. The aging population in developing countries, advances in medical technology and higher-priced technologies greatly impacts the price of health insurance. The way people live also contributes to the increasing price of health insurance.

The Anthem Blue Cross can be reached through their website or by calling their toll free number at 1800-366-2751.

Student Health Insurance - Know the Facts Before You Buy and Save Big Money

If you are attending college, you must be prepared to either; provide proof of insurance, find a temporary insurance policy. or purchase coverage through the school you are attending. This is done to prevent uninsured students from becoming a liability for the college. If you look at this objectively, it also saves you from any potentially financially devastating medical bills.

Living in a dorm is a bit like living in a large petri dish. If one student becomes sick, the illness tends to spread through the dorm population in no time at all. If a student is insured, he or she would be more likely to see a doctor and obtain medication, if needed, to stop the illness in it's tracks. In addition, if a student were to be injured on campus, it would be in the best interest of the college for the student to be covered by health insurance.

How does this affect you as a student? If you are not already insured, you will either have to purchase temporary insurance, which can quickly eat up your savings, or you could finance this through financial aid by purchasing student health insurance through your college to get your student health insurance

Compared to the overall cost of a college education, student health insurance is usually just a small amount. State colleges and universities offer policies that cost approximately 1/10 of the cost of tuition, which is not too bad. However, if you attend a private college, it might be worth your while to check out alternative sources of insurance, as insurance at a private school could be more expensive.

Looking for affordable student health insurance? Visit a website specializing in giving ways to save a bundle on your family and individual health insurance coverage.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Short Term Health Insurance - Is it Right For You?

Some people in just don't need long term health insurance cover. That's where short term health insurance, is very useful. It is particularly popular among college leavers and people that find themselves between jobs.

If you have just left college and you're waiting to get your first job, then short term health insurance maybe ideal for you. After you get your job you should be covered by the employer's scheme. Short term insurance typically lasts between 1 and 12 months; you can choose the length of time that suits you. If you need a longer period of time, you would be better off considering a regular plan.

If you find yourself between jobs, you don't want to be saddled with big medical expenses. Think what would happen if you've been working for one of the big companies and you suddenly lost your job. You would lose your health cover too. That's where short term health insurance can come in handy. The application process is very quick compared to applying for normal health insurance. This maybe important if you've been laid off suddenly and have lost your health benefits along with your job.

The only real stipulation is that you don't have a pre existing condition. If you have recently seen a doctor about a medical condition in the last 3-5 years then you may find it either expensive or virtually impossible to get cover. Talk this over with your broker because he may know insurers that will take on your case.

Short term health cover is generally easier to apply for because you don't need to go through a complicated medical. You can be covered in as little as 24 hours. The cost of insurance varies according to where you live. But in general terms the cost of short term health insurance is affordable.

These free tips will show you the way to get the cheapest health insurance quotes in Ohio. Just visit

How to Get Individual and Family Health Treatment by Getting Affordable Health Insurance

Affordable health insurance is almost a requirement these days, but forty million Americans are entirely uninsured. Ten million of these people are young singles, but the rest have families to worry about. It used to be possibly to rely on your employer to provide an affordable group insurance plan, but those days have passed. With cost-cutting on the rise, many employers are reducing or dropping their benefits plans entirely. Because premiums for individual plans are rising, it can be hard to find insurance you can pay for, whether for yourself or for your family. Many states have laws that mandate affordable insurance for children, but adults who are unable to buy into pricey plans are left without any ability to get insurance.

Especially if you're self-employed, or retire early, insurance can seem like a far off luxury, but if an accident or unexpected illness occurs, it's a necessity. Hospital bills and tests can run up tens of thousands of dollars in debt. The primary cause of personal bankruptcy declarations in the country is debt from medical expenses. People suffering from pre-existing conditions can especially find themselves in a bind, since they need to have treatment on a regular basis, but can't find any insurance that will cover them. These people can sometimes make use of short term insurance plans to cover the gap while they look for a provider who will insure them. These plans are inexpensive, but don't cover everything.

Some states have laws that regulate the insurance business, guaranteeing that anyone will be able to find coverage. However, this coverage is often very expensive, since the insurance providers raise rates across the board to cover their costs. In states with restrictive laws, there can also be few health insurance companies to choose from, since many companies will pull out if they feel that it's not profitable to do business there.

Check out prices and companies online to get the largest pool of prices and information. You can often get immediate quotes from several companies at a time, with the benefits spelled out. You can also consider using a broker who knows the local market. They'll help you shop for a good price, as well as knowing whether companies have a habit of raising premiums or refusing to pay claims. You can also get good information from your state's insurance board. This will tell you what companies are required to do in your state. Many states offer low cost insurance to the children of low income families who can find no other insurance, for example.

If you've been turned down elsewhere, you may also be able to get coverage from your state's insurance pool. Beware of high rates here, though. This is the last resort for people looking for affordable coverage, because the state's high-risk pool has to pay out claims regularly. If you are likely to get employment that will provide health insurance soon, consider a short term plan. This will keep you covered in case of emergency, and is the cheapest type of insurance.

For more information about Affordable Health Insurance visit where we have comprehensive guides to getting great value health care including affordable health care in San Jose information, and affordable health insurance in Long Beach, California.

How You Can Afford Good Health Care

I recently heard of a woman who relocated to a new town with her husband and young daughter. She was saying that in her husband's new job, he has insurance but the family has to pony up the extra for the rest of the family, and that they could not afford it. The woman is mildly asthmatic, and was worried that she could not get coverage for her needed medications, let alone take care of the young girl's prescribed checkups and well-care.

While nothing is perfect, through Blue Cross Blue Shield Montana, the fact is that it is entirely possible to have Montana health insurance at a reasonable rate. Blue Cross Montana actually makes it extremely affordable for families like this to provide the extra coverage they need. Thanks to Blue Cross Montana, Montana medical insurance is surprisingly affordable.

As such, we are often able to insure folks for much less than what they might imagine possible. The fact is, Montana medical insurance for families does not need to be some mystery, it does not need to be impossibly expensive.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Montana offers a wide range of programs to help families just like this. Sure, it will cost anyone a few dollars, but our various lines of Montana health insurance offer a wide range of options that will provide the peace of mind they need.

Can you even imagine anyone going without solid medical insurance plans? I can't either. Therefore, I submit that all investigate the various options, and know that many are the ways to provide the coverage their families need.

I hope all will check out the many ways to make ends meet, to provide the Montana medical insurance coverage that will create a lot of peace of mind. And that folks, is what it's all about.

Health Insurance Basics That You Should Know

A Health insurance is a type of insurance which pays for medical costs or expenses. It is at times used to embrace insurance that covers long-term nursing, disability or custodial care necessities. Health insurance may be offered via a government-sponsored social insurance program or through private insurance companies. A health insurance may be obtained on a group basis or by individual consumers.

Health insurance functions by calculating the inclusive consequences of healthcare expenses and mounting a custom finance structure which will make sure that money is obtainable to pay for the benefits mentioned in the insurance agreement. The healthcare benefits are governed by an organization that is most often a government agency or not-for-profit entity or private entity that is operating a health plan.

The agreement between an individual and a health insurance company is called a health insurance policy. The agreement or contract can be renewable monthly or yearly. The amount and form of health care costs which will be covered by the health plan are identified in advance, in the Evidence of Coverage booklet or in the contract signed by the member. The payment obligations of an individual policy-holder may take various structures like the following:

A copayment is the amount that is being paid by the policy-holder before the health plan pays for a specific service or specific visits.

A premium is the amount that is being paid each month by the policy-holder to the health plan to acquire health coverage.

A deductible is the amount that is being paid by the policy-holder before the health plan pays its share.

The term exclusions refer to all services that are not covered by the health plan The entire cost of the services which are not covered by the health plan must be paid by the policy-holder.

Coverage Limit
Some health plans only pay for health care to a limited amount. Any bills in excess of the health plan's utmost payment of a particular service are expected to be paid by the policy holder.

Out-of-pocket maximums
Out-of-pocket maximums are almost the same with the coverage limits. The difference is that it can be limited to a particular benefit group including prescription drugs or can apply to all health plan coverage provided during a given benefit year.

A capitation is the amount that is being paid by an insurer to a health care provider, for which the provider agrees to treat all members of the insurer.

To get fee quotes just click on the website:

Health Insurance - Identification of the Fundamental Drivers of Increasing Healthcare Costs

This article identifies the fundamental drivers of increasing healthcare premiums and costs. A supplementary measure of breaking down how existing premium dollars are being used up is taken into account.

By specifying how health insurance premiums are being used up as well as distinguishing the drivers and aspects of premium increases, this article endeavors to provide stakeholders and policymakers with information which can facilitate in directing efforts to address increasing healthcare costs and enhance healthcare efficiency.

Outlined are some of the factors which affect the overall healthcare costs:

General Inflation
General inflation is one of the factors that impacts healthcare costs. The rise in the price of healthcare beyond general inflation accounted 2.5 percent out of the 8.7 percent rise in health insurance premiums.

Higher Priced Technologies
New technologies drive the increase in healthcare prices because they are regularly more costly than existing technologies. Older drugs as well as generic drugs tend to be replaced by newer prescription drugs. And since modern imaging technologies are being sold into the commercial market at a higher value, it has been observed that these new technology cost greatly influence the price of health insurance premiums.

Cost Shifting
The growth in hospital inpatient expenditure, which is the third chief constituent of health insurance premiums, also influenced the overall premium increase. The growth in hospital inpatient spending has been alleviated by shifts and changes of services to outpatient settings, the rehabilitated introduction of disease administration programs and utilization controls programs have amplified cost sharing.

Broader-Access Networks/Provider Consolidation
The movement which was prompted by state laws and market forces towards plans in extensive provider networks has also influenced the price of health insurance premiums. Several plans have initiated open-access products which lessens the task of the primary care physician in assisting consumer access to health specialists. While various consumers have uttered an inclination for expansive provider networks, such networks apt to diminish the sum of competition in the scheme. There have been occurrences of provider consolidation which also reduced the degree of provider clash in some markets. These market directions have all contributed to health insurance premium increases each year.

Aging Population and Increased Utilization
The most significant factor in the increase in health insurance premiums is increased utilization. Lifestyle changes and the aging population both contribute to increased utilization. It is extensively acclaimed that the population is growing old as Baby Boomers move towards retirement. It has been established that the aging of the population registered in health plans greatly contributed to the rising price of health insurance premiums.

The Anthem Blue Cross can be reached through their website or by calling their toll free number at 1800-366-2751.

Health Insurance - Usual Dilemmas Associated With It

Insurance is chiefly utilized to circumvent against the consequences of a contingent loss. It is defined as the impartial shift of the consequences of a loss or failure, from one body to another, in return for a premium. The company or corporate body that is selling the insurance is called an insurer. The dynamic that is utilized to ascertain the amount to be charged for a specific amount of insurance coverage is termed as "insurance rate."

The notion of health insurance was projected by Hugh the Elder Chamberlen in the year 1694. And in the late 19th century, "accident insurance," which functions much like contemporary disability insurance, has commenced to be available. Accident insurance was introduced in the U.S. by the Massachusetts-based Franklin Health Assurance Company.

The two intrinsic challenges that must have to be dealt with by health insurance systems are adverse selection, which impacts any insurance scheme through which a third party takes on major liability for the expense - whether it is the government or an employer.

These usual problems are defeated by some national schemes with enforced insurance by utilizing plans such as community rating and risk equalization.

Moral vulnerability takes place when a consumer and health insurer enters into an agreement under symmetric information. One usual example of moral vulnerability is third-party payment. It occurs when the organization concerned in making a judgment are not accountable for bearing expenses arising from the judgment.

Adverse selection is a term utilized by health insurance companies in depicting the tendency for those who will take advantage of the insurance to acquire it. Particularly when speaking about health insurance, unhealthy consumers are more likely to obtain a health insurance for the reason that they anticipate higher medical bills. On the other hand, consumers who think they are logically healthy may come to a decision that medical insurance or health insurance is an unneeded expenditure.

A health insurance company could be left by adverse selection with principally sick subscribers and have no means to weigh out the value of their medical expenses with a huge amount of healthy subscribers. Because of the dilemma brought by adverse selection, health insurance companies utilizes medical underwriting, through the use of a patient's medical record to screen out those patients whose current medical conditions pose too much risk.

Another dilemma that is associated with health insurance is its rising costs. The aging population in developing countries, advances in medical technology and higher-priced technologies greatly impacts the price of health insurance. The way people live also contributes to the increasing price of health insurance.

The Anthem Blue Cross can be reached through their website or by calling their toll free number at 1800-366-2751.

Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Get the Most Affordable Health Insurance Rates

What can you do if your health insurance rate is busting your budget? What if you're paying a lot for insurance coverage even though you are healthy? While there is no quick fix, there are a few things you can do to lower your insurance rates.

The first option to reduce your insurance rate is to get reassessed by a different insurance company. Shop around, and find out how they decide what factors would affect your insurance rates with them. Different companies have different health risk variables. And different companies consider the same risks equally. You may even get a reduction in your rate quote for healthy behavior, like a commitment to exercise or quitting smoking. Before you get reassessed, attempt to lower your risk and improve those areas that can get you healthy behavior bonuses. Not only is this good for your health, it can be great for your insurance premium.

The second option to reduce your health premiums is to change jobs. Health insurance is often tied to where you work. If you move to a larger employer, they may have a better negotiated rate on your insurance coverage. This is the result of the company having more employees, and thus more bargaining power when negotiating a health plan. You may also find a new employer with a more streamlined and thus more affordable health insurance plan.

The last choice to reduce your insurance rate burden is to actually reduce your coverage. If you purchased insurance with coverage you do not need, you may be paying for options you will never use. This is similar to having an old clunker car with complete car coverage; you can end up paying more in insurance than will ever be used. Examples include single men paying for maternity coverage, very young people paying for disability insurance, and high end dental coverage when you only get your teeth cleaned. You may want to assess your health plan and find areas you can drop from your coverage. That will drop your medical premium, too.

Regardless of how much you are currently paying for your insurance, you can lower it. This can be done by finding a job with an employer with cheaper or better coverage, finding a new insurer, or simply lowering your coverage to the basics you actually need.

Looking for affordable health insurance rates? Visit a website specializing in giving ways to save a bundle on your family and individual health insurance coverage.

No Health Insurance? The Problems of Getting a Health Insurance Policy

To most people, health insurance is one of those basic necessities in life that you simply have to have. You don't like paying for it but when you have to use it, you're sure glad that you have it. So it may come as a surprise that there are so many people with no health insurance.

There are a number of reasons for this. One of the main reasons is the perceived cost of medical insurance. Another is that insurance companies often exclude people with pre-existing conditions.

It may be the case that the person is self employed and so doesn't benefit from a company policy. But that doesn't exclude them from getting an individual or family policy. Many people think that this is expensive but there are many policies that have cost effective options. These include just covering for the essentials like accidents and essential medical care. Another way to reduce premiums is to find a policy that offers coinsurance. This is where the insurance company will pay out a percentage of any medical costs. For instance if the coinsurance requirement was 20% then the insurance company would pay 80% and you would need to find the remaining 20% of a bill.

Health insurance in states like Ohio is generally affordable. But the other common reason that people have no health insurance is more difficult to surmount: pre-existing conditions.

Many health insurance companies are reluctant to insure people that have pre-existing conditions. So if you have previously suffered a heart attack or recovered from cancer you may find it very difficult to get cover. This is a real problem for older people. And with an aging population this situation is only likely to get worse.

If you have no health insurance, you should visit a local broker to discuss your options. They will be able to help you find the policy that will be most suitable for you in terms of price and the amount of coverage.

Use these insider tips to get the best deals on health insurance for the family. For quotes on health insurance in Ohio visit

HOME::Insurance/Health X Where to Get Cheap Kansas Health Insurance Quotes By Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker Platinum Quality Author B

Kansas health insurance quotes are easy to find and probably cost less than you think. Read on to find out how you can find the cheapest health insurance possible.

The Problem of the Uninsured

About 293,700 Kansans do not have health insurance. That means about 13 percent of Kansas residents lack affordable access to regular health care. More than half work full-time but do not have insurance available through their employers.

Finding Cheap Insurance

If you're among those searching for an affordable health insurance policy in Kansas, be sure that you look at all the types of policies available. Traditional insurance that pays all your medical expenses, but is very expensive, is only one of your choices.

Consider such options as ...

* An HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) or POS (Point of Service plan). With these types of plans, you give up some of your choice in selecting health care providers in exchange for lower premiums

* A Major Medical policy that covers only major accidents and illnesses

* A Health Savings Plan that allows you to save tax-free dollars for your medical/health expenses

* A High-Deductible policy, which covers all your medical expenses after you reach the deductible amount

Some other ways you can lower the cost of your health insurance include:

* Shopping around. Get at least three quotes from an insurance comparison website so you can compare costs and benefits. Choose a website that includes a chat feature, in case you have any questions (see link below).

* Checking to see if any organizations or clubs you are a member of offer group insurance at reduced rates.

* Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Some insurers offer discounts to non-smokers. In addition, losing excess weight and getting your blood pressure and cholesterol under control may help you qualify for lower rates.

Visit or click on the following link to get Kansas health insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on getting cheap Kansas city health insurance quotes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learn How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Pay For Dental Expenses

Paying too much for coverage and not having enough coverage may be a familiar scenario for many of the residents in America. Not many health insurance companies offer policies with coverage that will give you dental, eye and alternative care. Americans are spending over $30 billion annually just for dental services and most of it is out of their own pocket. The prices for dental care can be very horrid, ranging between $850 to $1,000 for crowns, $150 for check-ups and cleaning and thousands of dollars for oral surgery.

Most of the dental plans available are expensive - the reason being that the insurance companies know that the individuals who purchase dental coverage already have dental problems and will definitely be using the coverage. This is also known as "adverse selection".

Another option is available today with the HSA, or Health Savings Account. This is an account that you can use to accumulate tax-free dollars for medical bills that aren't covered under your High Deductible Health Plan, or HDHP. It is required that you are enrolled in a HDHP to qualify for an HSA. These plans have high annual deductibles, but you receive low monthly premiums in exchange. Since the money in the HSA is tax-free, the account holder can funnel their dental expenses through the HSA for a tax write-off.

If you decide to get a health plan with dental coverage, the deductible cannot be paid for with the HSA, but the expenses rendered from services can. Since you'll be funding your account with pre-tax dollars, you can easily save $500 or more off the costs of your family's yearly dental expenses by paying for the charges from your Health Savings Account.

There are some other options for dental coverage available. With prepaid dental plans you will be charged low monthly fees, which are usually around $7/month for individuals and $16/month for families. The plans give you significant discounts on check-ups, fillings, extractions and other dental services provided by a network dentist. Some plans help with the expenses for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Since these plans aren't insurance, it can be paid for with the HSA. When calculating what medical expenses will be reimbursed from your HSA, include dental fees and premiums from the prepaid dental plan.

More About Health Savings Accounts

Any health expenses that aren't covered under you HDHP can be paid for with your HSA, such as deductibles, eyewear and dental care. As long as the bill you are trying to cover was needed for a health problem, it can be paid for. So if you decided to get a massage while at the spa - this wouldn't be covered, but if your doctor recommended that you go to a masseuse after a painful accident; this would be covered. Having an HSA is the way health insurance should be - you get to choose what medical help you receive for your health conditions.

This means if you decide to get alternative medicine instead of going to an allopathic physician (conventional doctors that use prescriptions drugs and other treatments for quick-fixes instead of delving to the root of the problem), you can do so and have the expenses paid with the HSA.

What is Considered an "HSA Qualified Expense"?

The definition of qualified medical expenses is only partially given in the IRS Publication 502 and through various federal court rulings. There are few restrictions - as long as the expenses are for medical treatments or prevention for a health problem. For instance, yoga wouldn't be identified as a medical expense unless your doctor recommended it as a treatment for medical reasons, such as for physical therapy after an injury, then it is qualified as a medical expense.

Many may question why the government would give a tax deduction for someone using some crazy vibration machine to cure their cancer. Again, the HSA is how health insurance should be. You should get to choose what treatments would best benefit your health condition. This gives account holders that power to manage their health as they see fit. Health Savings Accounts are encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility of their health care while loosening the monopoly traditional health care has had over the past couple of decades.

By Wiley Long - President, HSA for America ( - The nation's leading independent health insurance firm specializing in HSA Plans that works with a Health Savings Account.

How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Slow Down Your Aging Process

One of the best aspects of having a Health Savings Account is that you can control your medical care. If you want to have a medical test or procedure done that is not covered by your health insurance, you pay for it with pre-tax money from your health savings account.

One of the processes of aging that scientists have been learning more about in recent years is glycation, and the formation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or AGEs. Here's how to reduce this harmful process, and a simple test you can pay for from your Health Savings Account to see how you're doing.

What is "Glycation" and what are AGEs?

When we take a piece of bread and put it in the toaster, it slowly turns brown. This is the result of a natural process called the "Maillard reaction", in which sugars react with proteins. It is this process that gives flavor to beer, pizza crust, and roasted coffee.

The same process naturally happens in the human body. (So in a sense, we all slowly "brown" as we age). When a protein in your body is "glycated", it has a sugar molecule attached to it, and can then bond to another protein in your body in a process called "cross-linking". These damaged proteins result in the formation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts.

Exposure to AGEs in the body contributes to inflammation and to a large variety of age-related diseases, including cataracts, joint stiffness, Alzheimer's disease, and cardiovascular diseases. Some AGEs increase the risk of auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and others increase the risk of cancer.

Reduce AGEs in your Food

When experimental mice are fed a low-AGE diet, they have better cardiovascular health, better kidney health, better blood sugar management, and they live longer. AGE formation is increased when foods are cooked at high temperatures, and for longer periods of time. You can significantly reduce AGEs created in food preparation by using boiling, poaching, or stewing rather than frying or grilling.

So one strategy is to simply reduce your consumption of "browned" foods. So for instance, fried shrimp will have way more harmful AGE compounds than boiled shrimp.

How to Reduce AGE Formation in your Body

AGE formation is particularly high in diabetics, due to uncontrolled sugar levels in the body. This is one of the reasons why they suffer from increased rates kidney disease, vision loss, and cardiovascular disease.

Millions of Americans who have not been diagnosed as diabetic still have glucose handling difficulties, typically diagnosed as "metabolic syndrome". It is becoming more and more evident that a diet low in foods that raise blood sugar rapidly (typically the "white" foods like bread, pasta, rice, and sugar) will reduce a person's risk of diabetes or metabolic syndrome. This in turn will also reduce your body's AGE formation.

Supplements You Can Take

Numerous dietary supplements have now been shown to reduce glycation, cross-linking, and AGE formation. Some experts recommend the following supplements, typically 500 mg to 1 gram of each, per day:

* Carnosine

* Benfotiamine

* Alpha-lipoic acid

* Acetyl-l-carnitine

* Curcumin

If your health care practitioner recommends supplements for the prevention or treatment of a specific health condition, you can pay for them from your HSA.

A common blood test that diabetics have done is Glycated Hemoglobin A1c. This measures how much the red blood cells have become glycated over the past one to three months, and is seen as an indicator of average blood sugar levels.

Stay Healthy, Grow Your Health Savings Account.

So be proactive - fund your HSA to the max, do what you can to optimize your health, and let your account grow.

By Wiley Long - President, HSA for America ( - The nation's leading independent health insurance firm specializing in HSA Plans that works with Health Savings Accounts.

The Importance College Student Health Insurance

Generally, people have the philosophy that student health insurance is just an unfruitful investment of money. The reason behind such philosophy is that colleges and universities always provide health care services and facilities to all their students.

However, it is not good to depend only on the college health insurance, because, a college health insurance may not provide you with a broad coverage for some health issues. Hence, it is better to go for this type of health insurance, if you have you have a child who goes to college.

Need of such an Insurance Policy

Student health insurance is necessary for students, who wish to study abroad and for foreign students, who wish to study further in the United States of America. If your child is not insured under your health insurance policy, might apply for such health insurance.

A students' life is full of excitement and adventure and this leads to an exposure of unorganized and unhealthy way of living. Late night parties, Fast foods, and dorm style of living provides refuge to various types of microorganisms, health disorders and finally diseases. To get well, students need to spend thousands of dollars for their medical bills.

Since, students may not earn thousands of dollars all by themselves, all the expenditure of medical bills and other costs comes on their shoulders. Hence, to avoid spending a fortune, it is better to go for health insurance policy designed for students.


If your child is planning to pursue his/her studies abroad, the family health insurance policy may not provide coverage to that extent. With a student health insurance policy, you need not worry at all, because it covers all the health related issues even in a foreign country. There are other advantages of such an insurance policy.

One of the advantages of this insurance policy is that students may go to their choice of doctor rather than depending on the university or college health facilities. With the help of these policies, student does not have to take an appointment before consulting the doctor and need not have to wait in queues to consult a doctor.

Where to Find?

If you are looking for a student health insurance, make a small research of the insurance market. Various insurance companies have different policies to provide. For instance, some insurance company may provide discounts on vision care, prescription drugs, dental care and other such services.

Hence, you need to study the various terms and conditions about these policies before opting for one. Such research and study may take up most of your time and money. To avoid these, you may also make a search online and purchase this type of health insurance policy without having to spend your precious time and money.


In the end, the choice lies with you whether you need to purchase a student health insurance or not. This health insurance may prove to be a lifesaver for your child in college. It also helps in saving thousands of dollars on medical issues. These health insurance policies help your child in case of medical emergencies.

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for a student credit card

Friday, August 15, 2008

Better Safe Than Sorry - The Ever-Indispensable Expat Insurance

Imagine living as an expat in an almost worry-free life in an economically thriving country in one of its bustling metropolis or charming countryside of your choice?

Doesn't that sound so spectacular? It's being equivalent to like getting spa and massage treatment services for one whole year... for free.

As an expatriate, having an unstressed living can be achieved with expat insurance. Getting insurance is one the foremost matters that should be prioritized by expats because of two major reasons:

  • it assures financial stability
  • it ensures security in many aspects like (career, health, relationship)
  • It's entirely a different world out there, far different from the place they were born, so it would be better if they consider expat insurance to back them up as they try and live a life in a foreign land. An expat will never know when such insurance would come in handy. As people would say, it's better to be safe than sorry. There are many types of expat insurance to choose from like the following:
  • International Vehicle Insurance
  • Those who have international license and would like to bring their cars or motorcycles with them may go for this one
  • Health Insurance
  • One of the most practical things to do is to secure expat healthcare that's why many insurance companies offer one in line with people's health. Expats who have been suffering from certain ailments should avail of this so when the worse happens there would be a ready medical assistance like ambulatory services. In Europe, many organizations with concerns on expat healthcare are there so an expat may avail of membership.
  • Travel Insurance

An expat may be bringing some valuables that might get lost along the way and also this insurance can cover for transportation costs in case there will be unexpected turn of events like a bad weather perhaps that ruined the trip).

From the above mentioned three types, concern for expat healthcare seem to be the priority of many since most expats are in an age where they have many complaints already regarding current state of health.

Mistake no mistake about getting insurance and have something less to worry about.

Sturat Mitchel is an Experience article writer and very interested in writing on topics like Expat Health Care and Expat Tax Guide

Do You Have a Personality Disorder?

There is still much to learn about personality disorders. Defining the condition can be a little difficult because of how it differs from one person to the next. Those affected with personality disorder will be affected in the way they think, how they feel and how they behave, because personality has much to do with these three areas. Most people will sort out their personalities, such as how they think, feel and behave, by the time they are young adults, but people with personality disorder have difficulty with thinking, feeling and behaving in a way that would allow them to interact with others properly.

People who have personality disorder will have most likely shown signs of it in their childhood, but most parents will miss it, or think it is just a phase that they will grow out of. What makes people with this disorder stand out from those that don't have it is that they will have difficulty in maintaining relationships of any kind, can have difficulty staying out of trouble and can also have difficulty in controlling their emotions. Over time, as this goes untreated, individuals with personality disorder can become harmful to themselves or other people, are often unhappy and can become depressed. These individuals will often look for ways to relieve their depression and control their emotions, which can lead to substance abuse of alcohol, prescription drugs or street drugs.

Describing personality disorder or even defining it can become difficult because one has to try and define a person's personality, which is not an easy task, so it can be hard to diagnose it. Questions will often arise as to whether a person actually has personality disorder or not. Much research continues to be done on personality disorder as people work to understand and treat the condition better. Despite the fact that there is much that is not yet understood about it, there is help available to people who are suspected of having this particular disorder. It can take some time and patience, but those who accept that they might have the disorder and want to deal with it will often get the help that they need. Online counselors are available to anyone who has any questions or concerns, as well as to those who need help with issues they might have. Online counseling is fast becoming the more common way for people to get the counseling that they need because of its convenience and accessibility. Many are going to online therapy for personality disorder because they can get the help that they need from the comfort of their home. Many find it difficult to see a counselor in person, which is why qualified and certified online therapists are offering their services online. Anyone who believes they might be suffering with personality disorder can do a quick search online to find a counselor they can talk to. The sessions take place at set time by messaging back and forth through forums, chat rooms and e-mail; any way that the patient feels more comfortable with.

Jennifer Baxt is the owner of which offers a variety of online counseling services. If you would like to know more about Jennifer or any of our online therapists, visit our website.

Insurance When You Are Getting Married

Health insurance providers are not created equal. Before a man and woman is married, the advantage of administration advantage is acutely abnormal unless one of your insurers offers domestic partner insurance. As you become engaged, if you both accept partner insurance it is important to discuss about the both of you switching to the bigger plan if already you are married. There are a few factors consider, which accommodate deductibles, co-payments, and the insurance of anniversary separate plan. We all understand that marriage is a big step, and it can be done in a easy way if the two of you achieve important decisions such as your health insurance plan before you receive the big leap.

Your deductible is the bulk you charge or pay the anniversary year to begin your policy. When this transaction is done, you will be held responsible for whatever bulk of co-payment your insurance provider/company requires for you to pay for the health costs that are covered in your accurate policy. The bulk of co-payments that you will be responsible for is established at the time you agree to your health insurance policy. It is activity to be a assertive percentage of health expenses; for example, you pay 10% while your insurer will be paying the added 90%. You and your fiance should analyze both of your plans and point out which deductible and co-payment plan seems best adapted for the two of you.

Married couples are usually acceptable for many insurance that unmarried couples are not. Being insured alone by the health care provider sponsored by your administration may no best be the best advantage for you. If you or your fiance has insurance, and the other does not, already the two of you are affiliated they can be added to the added partner's plan. You should not be appropriate to pay added for adding a relative, child in the future because best affairs are offered to actual ancestors at no added cost. The best way to analyze behavior is to appraisal a annual amount of normal health expenses, emergencies, co-payments, and deductibles. Whichever plan has the cheap cost to you will about consistently be the best choice.

In addition to administration health insurance with your new spouse, you may additionally want to consider switching the blow of your insurance plans, such as the behavior you accept for your abstracted automobiles. This is because best companies will give you a benefit on accepting more than one vehicle insured. You may additionally be absorbed in award a company that can assure you home, automobile, and health in one place. If you backpack added than one action with a company, they will additionally usually pay you some sort of discount on them. It is important to sit beneath and talk insurance with your fiance because the two of you could be saving money and restarted by pointing out what accommodation is best before the time comes.

Author's name is Umer Hayat and is manager in one of the most famous multinational insurance company. He have vast experience in Insurance industry and it's types.

He was also the member for many other international insurance companies. so he know almost everything related to insurance and it's types.

You can check his sites related to insurance - in which he provides almost everything related to Insurance and you can easily find almost any question that is in your mind regarding insurance and it's types.

But if you only want to read more about the above thoughts then you need to work with this link. , hopefully you will find everything that you are looking for.

Learn and Enjoy

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blue Shield Family Insurance Plans

If you want to have financial security in the future, getting Blue Shield insurance for your family is a great start. We all invest in our cars and homes, and possibly even banks, financial markets and schooling, yet it can sometimes be easy to forget about investing in our own health. Without having a health insurance plan, you are putting yourself and everything you have at risk. Your health and your family's health is an investment for your future.

You may be wondering what Blue Shield can do to keep your family safe.

There is an insurance plan directed for each type of family and family budget needs. Managed care plans may be an option if you are on a tight budget, however, if you have prevalent medical concerns in your family and budget is not as much of an issue for you, you may want to look at plans that may be more expensive but offer high coverage benefits with very low deductibles. Blue Shield has several coverage options, so you should be sure to carefully read about the types of plans they offer before selecting a plan that works best for your family.

Benefits of Blue Shield.

The Blue Shield benefits site provides a list of approved providers and doctors. If when you receive your plan it includes a list of doctors which accept the coverage, this can come in handy when locating a provider. You can use this listing to locate a reputable provider or physician if you are traveling to a different area of the country. Getting the medical help you need, can all start with a click on your personal computer at the Blue Shield site.

There are various types of insurances.

Blue Shields offers many types of insurance plans to subscribers. You can find insurance that includes prescription coverage, and other types of insurance that does not. You can find all your family and individual health care coverage at Blue Shield.

How can you narrow your choices?

Set a financial plan that is within your family's present means. if it is $400 or $600 per month, start with the plans that offer the benefits for this price. In making the decision of whether to switch to a higher level of benefits, make sure that you have all the necessary information, then make your choice based primarily on what you can afford, factoring in what your needs are likely to be if you are able. Because if you can't make the payments, your coverage will lapse...leaving you with zero coverage! As your budget increases you can change your insurance plan later.

Listing of all Blue Shield providers are listed on the Blue Shield site for every state where Blue Shield is accepted.

Ian Wright wants everyone to be able to get the health coverage that they need. So to help he has created pages on how to get: cheap health insurance quotes online and cheap online health insurance quotes.

Family Health Insurance Coverage

You're steps away from your family health insurance coverage. If you're looking for more information on buying and finding the health insurance that's right for you, than this is the place to be. Right now there are millions across the nation who are searching for health insurance that is not only affordable, but that will also cover real medical needs, in real emergencies. In this article I'll tell you more about health insurance including how to find the best price and how to make your final choice.

To sort through your health insurance options and make an informed choice, start by listing all the insurance companies in your area, along with the types of health insurance they offer. Such as prescriptions, with certain doctors, or that you can see any doctor anywhere. On your sheet of paper, list what you like most about the company you see, and what you don't like about the company so everything is fresh in your mind when you make that final decision.

The rate you pay for insurance will vary from insurer to insurer, and the specific types of plans offered by each company will be different. The plans that are offered by the insurance companies will be different based on a few different things such as, are prescriptions covered, what doctors can you see, what is the deductible you will have to pay every year, how much is the fee you pay when you see the doctor (the co payment) What is the amount of the copay when seeing a specialist? Will you have to have a referral to see the specialist or what other types of fees you might incur when you are using that particular health insurance plan.

Even if you are young, single and have no children you still need health insurance. Health insurance covers accidents, payments you need to visit the physician and the emergency room. If you're ill it will usually cover prescriptions and the payments to hire nurses or receive assistance if necessary.

The health insurance plan you decide upon should fit both your financial and medical needs.

All the medical occurances that your family members have experienced is your medical history. There is a good possibility that you will be sick often if your parents have often been sick. Genetics play a part in deciding weather you will have problems when yo get older, but its always nice to have insurance to cover the bills if you do have problems.

Ian Wright wants everyone to be able to get the medical coverage that they need. So to help he has created pages on how to get: free on line health insurance quotes and individual health insurance quotes.

Types of Health Insurance

These days health insurance has become a necessity. With the medical expenses rising higher, and paying them digs deep cracks in our pockets. Hence it would be an exact decision to go for a health insurance program which would definitely release the burden and save your money to considerable extent. Hence it is very important that you possess the right information about the various health insurance programs

All the health care insurance fall into one of the two categories:

i) Indemnity plans
ii) Managed care plans

Indemnity plan

In indemnity plan you get the benefit of choosing the doctor of your choice and the insurance company pays a certain percentage of the amount after you visit the doctor. Indemnity plans are also called as fee for service plan.

The features of indemnity plans can be illustrated as below:

The plan has the provision that once the service is rendered the amount will be paid after that criterion.
The plan covers all the preventive, regular and serious services.
The employees can visit the doctors of their preferred choice.
There is no requirement of the referrals.

Managed care plans

A common trait among managed care plans is the incentive (usually, a lower premium) for the insured to stay within a specified network of health care providers

Managed care plans fall into 3 basic types plans:

1) HMO
2) PPO
3) POS

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

The features of Health maintenance organizations are the process of payment of the amount follows the prepaid basis. The members pay a fixed amount that is they have to pay a fixed amount every month irrespective of whether the medical treatment would be used or not. Most medical services provide a wide variety of facilities like office visits to hospitalization.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

A PPO is an organization made up of doctors and hospitals that provide services to only specific group. Here the payment is after the service is been provided.

Point Of Service (POS) plans

This is a plan where there is no payment of deductibles and there is a small payment of co-payment on the usage of the health care service. In this plan you need to choose a physician who would be in charge of giving referrals within the plan network.

Short term health insurance

These plans offer coverage ranging from 30 - 180 days. These plans can be extended at the maximum to 1 year. There will be a requirement to pay the initial deductibles and co-payments. The services provided would be in patient, out-patient, hospital rooms inclusive of the intensive care units, lab examinations and X rays as well.

All the plans have their pros and cons, and these pros and cons vary from individual to individual. Hence it is important that you choose the right kind of insurance plan according to your preference.

Sam Rosy is a Copywriter of Health Insurance California and Individual Health Insurance Plan. She written many articles in various topics.For more information visit : Blue Cross Insurance In California. Contact her at

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Best Ohio Health Insurance Plans

Boy...are you in trouble! I hear you have to find health insurance for yourself and your family. And you don't have a clue where to start, what to look for or who to ask. Well, join the thousands of consumers that are in the same boat (I'll refrain from any more puns).

Here's the good news. You live in Ohio, so your Ohio health insurance rates will be fairly low compared to most states. In addition, there's a wide variety of plans to choose from.

Oh. I get it. There's TOO many plans. They all look similar. And the guy from New Jersey tells you buy his plan and the telemarketer from Florida say she'll tell you which plan is the best...AFTER you give him your credit card information. Sheesh! And let's not forget the slick salesperson that quotes you a price, but can't provide the coverages in writing.

To help you out. I have listed below 10 of the best available health insurance plans to Ohio residents. Yes, you will have to medically qualify. Also, rates will vary according to your age and zip code. And of course...if you don't smoke, you'll be getting a healthy discount.

So here we go...

Anthem Blue Access Plan 2 $25 Copay on office visits. No deductible on prescriptions.

Anthem Luminos HIA Health Savings Account. Top- notch with preventative coverage

Medical Mutual SuperMed One. Solid policy.

UnitedHealthCare Copay Select. No frills and straightforward.

Celtic Preferred Select. Celtic's very best policy.

National Life No Claim Allowed. OK. I'm just making sure you're still with me!

Medical Mutual SuperMed One has. I like Anthem's better, but this one isn't bad.

UnitedHealthCare has 100. Nice policy. Skip the UHC has 80.

Anthem Blue Access Plan 3. 100% coverage after the deductible.

Aetna PPO. Barely makes the list. Good policy, but not great.

Are you ready for for my Bottom 10? I have some nasty policies for your review, but I'll spare certain companies the embarrassment.

For additional information regarding Ohio Health Insurance plans, please visit or

Medicare Supplements - Choices That Can Save You Money

Supplements are, by definition, something you have or get to improve something you already have, like supplementing your cable TV package or your health care insurance. Funny, you'd think that health care, the original Medicare, was complete as it was designed. It may have been in its inception; however, as time went by it became apparent that large gaps had developed between what Medicare covered and what many private health insurance policies covered. The solution: Medicare supplement insurance policies sold by private health insurance companies.

The Medicare supplement policies (Medigap) fill the gaps left by the by original Medicare and basically help reduce those out of pocket medical expenses you'd otherwise pay for yourself, depending on your choice of plan (Medigap policies come in parts A-J). Under this arrangement, Medicare and Medigap work in concert to pay health care costs.

Medigap policies in every state are federally mandated and have certain specific benefits. This ensures that Medicare doesn't change, no matter where you are living. However, standardized doesn't mean there isn't a lot of choice available to suit the various circumstances of Medicare recipients. There are actually 10 different parts lettered from A to J, with A being the one that must be offered in all states, to F the most popular part.

Each Medigap part has a different set of basic and extra benefits. Part A is a mandated offering and parts B through J MAY be offered if the insurance carrier wishes to offer them. Two things you should be aware of: Plan A is only made available to people without medical coverage due to disability; Medicare combined with Plan A is the lowest level of coverage.

This should not stop you from shopping around for different rates. Here's the good news: you can actually save money on Medicare/Medigap combo deals because this is the only area (Medigap) where insurance companies set their own rates as to what the market will bear. What they offer is standard, but what you pay for the choices is variable. So calling around can save you money.

One further note: If you are considering a Medigap policy, you will need to have both Medicare Parts A and B already in place. There are other considerations to take into account, but speak to a local insurance broker who can walk you through the details. Their advice is free and can save you some time researching online.

Richard Cantu is with Texas Health and Life, a Texas health insurance and Texas life insurance agency in Texas. To learn more, visit

How Do I Get Health Insurance With a Pre-Existing Condition?

Getting Health Coverage is one of the most important things you need to do because you never know when you will need it. If you have been denied for Health Insurance because you have a Pre-Existing condition then do not worry there are options for you. Many insurance companies try to come up with any condition to not grant you coverage and in some cases it is not fair and should be illegal. There have been cases where the person was pregnant or overweight and they were denied any type of health coverage.

When searching for health insurance with any kind of condition you need to be prepared to pay more money because there are insurance companies that will insure you but they may charge you more money. It is important to get the coverage even if at a later time find a better plan.

One of the best options is to find a group plan and usually your place of work can help you with that. This will offer you the best coverage at the most affordable price possible. The best thing is a employers group insurance can be obtained even if you are a newly hired employee and they usually do not ask if you have a pre-existing condition.

If you are self employed and can not afford private insurance you may want to check into some state supported programs for low income that may help you get the coverage you need so that in case you get hurt and need to go to the hospital you are not out a bunch of money.

Learn how to find: Discount Health Insurance

Get some Advice about: Types of Insurance

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Insurance

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Best Ohio Health Insurance Plans

Boy...are you in trouble! I hear you have to find health insurance for yourself and your family. And you don't have a clue where to start, what to look for or who to ask. Well, join the thousands of consumers that are in the same boat (I'll refrain from any more puns).

Here's the good news. You live in Ohio, so your Ohio health insurance rates will be fairly low compared to most states. In addition, there's a wide variety of plans to choose from.

Oh. I get it. There's TOO many plans. They all look similar. And the guy from New Jersey tells you buy his plan and the telemarketer from Florida say she'll tell you which plan is the best...AFTER you give him your credit card information. Sheesh! And let's not forget the slick salesperson that quotes you a price, but can't provide the coverages in writing.

To help you out. I have listed below 10 of the best available health insurance plans to Ohio residents. Yes, you will have to medically qualify. Also, rates will vary according to your age and zip code. And of course...if you don't smoke, you'll be getting a healthy discount.

So here we go...

Anthem Blue Access Plan 2 $25 Copay on office visits. No deductible on prescriptions.

Anthem Luminos HIA Health Savings Account. Top- notch with preventative coverage

Medical Mutual SuperMed One. Solid policy.

UnitedHealthCare Copay Select. No frills and straightforward.

Celtic Preferred Select. Celtic's very best policy.

National Life No Claim Allowed. OK. I'm just making sure you're still with me!

Medical Mutual SuperMed One has. I like Anthem's better, but this one isn't bad.

UnitedHealthCare has 100. Nice policy. Skip the UHC has 80.

Anthem Blue Access Plan 3. 100% coverage after the deductible.

Aetna PPO. Barely makes the list. Good policy, but not great.

Are you ready for for my Bottom 10? I have some nasty policies for your review, but I'll spare certain companies the embarrassment.

For additional information regarding Ohio Health Insurance plans, please visit or

Medicare Supplements - Choices That Can Save You Money

Supplements are, by definition, something you have or get to improve something you already have, like supplementing your cable TV package or your health care insurance. Funny, you'd think that health care, the original Medicare, was complete as it was designed. It may have been in its inception; however, as time went by it became apparent that large gaps had developed between what Medicare covered and what many private health insurance policies covered. The solution: Medicare supplement insurance policies sold by private health insurance companies.

The Medicare supplement policies (Medigap) fill the gaps left by the by original Medicare and basically help reduce those out of pocket medical expenses you'd otherwise pay for yourself, depending on your choice of plan (Medigap policies come in parts A-J). Under this arrangement, Medicare and Medigap work in concert to pay health care costs.

Medigap policies in every state are federally mandated and have certain specific benefits. This ensures that Medicare doesn't change, no matter where you are living. However, standardized doesn't mean there isn't a lot of choice available to suit the various circumstances of Medicare recipients. There are actually 10 different parts lettered from A to J, with A being the one that must be offered in all states, to F the most popular part.

Each Medigap part has a different set of basic and extra benefits. Part A is a mandated offering and parts B through J MAY be offered if the insurance carrier wishes to offer them. Two things you should be aware of: Plan A is only made available to people without medical coverage due to disability; Medicare combined with Plan A is the lowest level of coverage.

This should not stop you from shopping around for different rates. Here's the good news: you can actually save money on Medicare/Medigap combo deals because this is the only area (Medigap) where insurance companies set their own rates as to what the market will bear. What they offer is standard, but what you pay for the choices is variable. So calling around can save you money.

One further note: If you are considering a Medigap policy, you will need to have both Medicare Parts A and B already in place. There are other considerations to take into account, but speak to a local insurance broker who can walk you through the details. Their advice is free and can save you some time researching online.

Richard Cantu is with Texas Health and Life, a Texas health insurance and Texas life insurance agency in Texas. To learn more, visit

How Do I Get Health Insurance With a Pre-Existing Condition?

Getting Health Coverage is one of the most important things you need to do because you never know when you will need it. If you have been denied for Health Insurance because you have a Pre-Existing condition then do not worry there are options for you. Many insurance companies try to come up with any condition to not grant you coverage and in some cases it is not fair and should be illegal. There have been cases where the person was pregnant or overweight and they were denied any type of health coverage.

When searching for health insurance with any kind of condition you need to be prepared to pay more money because there are insurance companies that will insure you but they may charge you more money. It is important to get the coverage even if at a later time find a better plan.

One of the best options is to find a group plan and usually your place of work can help you with that. This will offer you the best coverage at the most affordable price possible. The best thing is a employers group insurance can be obtained even if you are a newly hired employee and they usually do not ask if you have a pre-existing condition.

If you are self employed and can not afford private insurance you may want to check into some state supported programs for low income that may help you get the coverage you need so that in case you get hurt and need to go to the hospital you are not out a bunch of money.

Learn how to find: Discount Health Insurance

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Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Insurance

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Health Insurance Quote Comparison

Health insurance is a necessary evil in our society. Nobody wants to pay for it. Especially now that health care premiums have experienced a significant increase in the past few years. But if you think that health insurance is expensive, you should see how much more expensive it is to get medical care without it!

Fortunately, the Internet has made it an extremely simple, painless process to apply for private health insurance online and get an instant health insurance quote comparison.

All you have to do is simply fill out an online application form about yourself and your family's medical history and then pick and choose from the options that have all of the features that you need.

Not all health insurance plans are the same. Each one varies in terms of what type of coverage you get and how much you pay for it.

Some things to consider:
  • Do you need maternity coverage?
  • Do you need prescription drug coverage?
  • Would you prefer to pay a flat fee for each doctor visit or would you rather pay full price for your doctor visit and have it deducted from your annual deductible (the amount of money you are responsible for paying on your own directly to your medical providers before the insurance company begins to cover for you)?
  • How often do you anticipate that you will need to visit the doctor?
  • Would you rather pay a higher monthly premium in exchange for a lower annual deductible or would you rather pay a lower monthly premium in exchange for a higher annual deductible?
Compare multiple health plans and get a free health insurance quote instantly

Individual Health Insurance

What Is An Individual Health Insurance Plan?

An individual health insurance plan is a plan mainly provided to self-employed and unemployed people. Occasionally, people will elect individual coverage even if their company provides a plan. "Individual" plans in the health insurance business do not actually refer to insurance provided to one person. It just means that a company or employer does not pay part of the bill. If someone pays the entire premium of a family plan, then such coverage is still considered as "individual". Rates for such individual plans will always be more expensive than group plans. The price of a group plan is lower because participating companies buy many plans from an insurance company (at cheaper bulk rate) and then the employer will pay part of the premium for employees.

Individual health plans and group market plans both offer the same type of options (for the most part). They offer health maintenance organization (HMO) plans, preferred provider organization (PPO), point-of-service (POS) plans and traditional fee-for-service arrangement. For those electing a group plan, they can receive a substantial discount on premiums and comprehensive policies. Keep in mind though that a group insurance plan will only cover someone while they are at the same job. If a consumer ends up in a situation without access to a group plan (i.e. laid off without other employment options), then they will quickly learn how expensive that the alternatives can be. Individual plans are usually only recommended to those people without the group plan option.

Disadvantages Of Individual Health Insurance Policies

Insurance companies might not cover people with such plans. This might be pretty scary for those with a family or those in need of serious healthcare. With individual health insurance, there is a requirement to submit an application that is medically underwritten by the insurer. This requires an insurer to examine a candidate's medical record. As with most other types of insurance (i.e. auto insurance), premium is established by risk. Depending on the risk, insurers can even choose not to offer someone a health insurance policy. Alternatively, an insurer may require certain exclusions to be added to an insurance policy (mainly for those with health problems). Some states offer what is known as "guaranteed issue". This law forces insurance companies to provide an individual health plan to those needing one. This is great protection but will ultimately increase premiums.

COBRA Insurance

Another temporary option for those leaving an employer with a group health insurance plan is what is called COBRA coverage. Cobra refers to Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (established 1985). Many employers provide this coverage to employees for an additional 18 months after leaving the company. Such people will be forced to pay the full premium if they elect COBRA insurance coverage. Consumers have 60 days to determine if COBRA works for them. If it is not desirable, consumers should start shopping for individual health insurance coverage. COBRA insurance will cover all family members (even if there are pre-existing conditions). This might be a big advantage over some individual plans.

Tips For Finding An Individual Health Insurance Policy

  • If you have some favorite physicians, check to see if they are included on an insurance company's network (i.e. PPO or HMO in-network).
  • Determine if you want a comprehensive plan (covering numerous potential expenses) or if you want a catastrophic plan covering you in the event of very serious health issues.
  • Don't always lean towards the cheapest policy. You need to find a policy that fits all of your personal needs.
  • Evaluate all financial considerations including annual premium, deductible, co-payments, maximum out-of-pocket expenses and annual limitations.
  • Some group insurance plans give you the option of converting to an individual health plan. Although the conversion will cost more than a group plan, it is considerably less than buying an individual plan directly.
  • If you have pre-existing conditions, most states require you to obtain some type of coverage within 63 days or such pre-existing conditions will not be eligible for coverage.
  • Always check if your spouse has group plan options at her place of employment.
  • There are other types of group plans offered such as through the AARP and other organizations.

Individual Health Insurance Final Thoughts

Consumers should educate themselves on the types of individual health insurance policies offered. The best place to look is the internet due to accessibility of options and comparison shopping. Insurance premiums can vary significantly from one insurer to the next. Regardless of any personal situation, consumers should always have health insurance to cover themselves in the event of a serious injury or illness. Most consumers don't adequately research all options. This is surprisingly considering that someone can be stuck with an undesirable policy for an extended period of time.

Cory has a website covering the major types of insurance. You can find many insurance articles, including auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance and health insurance. Also, you can compare numerous insurance quotes from different companies.

The Best Ohio Health Insurance Plans

Boy...are you in trouble! I hear you have to find health insurance for yourself and your family. And you don't have a clue where to start, what to look for or who to ask. Well, join the thousands of consumers that are in the same boat (I'll refrain from any more puns).

Here's the good news. You live in Ohio, so your Ohio health insurance rates will be fairly low compared to most states. In addition, there's a wide variety of plans to choose from.

Oh. I get it. There's TOO many plans. They all look similar. And the guy from New Jersey tells you buy his plan and the telemarketer from Florida say she'll tell you which plan is the best...AFTER you give him your credit card information. Sheesh! And let's not forget the slick salesperson that quotes you a price, but can't provide the coverages in writing.

To help you out. I have listed below 10 of the best available health insurance plans to Ohio residents. Yes, you will have to medically qualify. Also, rates will vary according to your age and zip code. And of course...if you don't smoke, you'll be getting a healthy discount.

So here we go...

Anthem Blue Access Plan 2 $25 Copay on office visits. No deductible on prescriptions.

Anthem Luminos HIA Health Savings Account. Top- notch with preventative coverage

Medical Mutual SuperMed One. Solid policy.

UnitedHealthCare Copay Select. No frills and straightforward.

Celtic Preferred Select. Celtic's very best policy.

National Life No Claim Allowed. OK. I'm just making sure you're still with me!

Medical Mutual SuperMed One has. I like Anthem's better, but this one isn't bad.

UnitedHealthCare has 100. Nice policy. Skip the UHC has 80.

Anthem Blue Access Plan 3. 100% coverage after the deductible.

Aetna PPO. Barely makes the list. Good policy, but not great.

Are you ready for for my Bottom 10? I have some nasty policies for your review, but I'll spare certain companies the embarrassment.

For additional information regarding Ohio Health Insurance plans, please visit or

Friday, August 8, 2008

Do You Have a Personality Disorder?

There is still much to learn about personality disorders. Defining the condition can be a little difficult because of how it differs from one person to the next. Those affected with personality disorder will be affected in the way they think, how they feel and how they behave, because personality has much to do with these three areas. Most people will sort out their personalities, such as how they think, feel and behave, by the time they are young adults, but people with personality disorder have difficulty with thinking, feeling and behaving in a way that would allow them to interact with others properly.

People who have personality disorder will have most likely shown signs of it in their childhood, but most parents will miss it, or think it is just a phase that they will grow out of. What makes people with this disorder stand out from those that don't have it is that they will have difficulty in maintaining relationships of any kind, can have difficulty staying out of trouble and can also have difficulty in controlling their emotions. Over time, as this goes untreated, individuals with personality disorder can become harmful to themselves or other people, are often unhappy and can become depressed. These individuals will often look for ways to relieve their depression and control their emotions, which can lead to substance abuse of alcohol, prescription drugs or street drugs.

Describing personality disorder or even defining it can become difficult because one has to try and define a person's personality, which is not an easy task, so it can be hard to diagnose it. Questions will often arise as to whether a person actually has personality disorder or not. Much research continues to be done on personality disorder as people work to understand and treat the condition better. Despite the fact that there is much that is not yet understood about it, there is help available to people who are suspected of having this particular disorder. It can take some time and patience, but those who accept that they might have the disorder and want to deal with it will often get the help that they need. Online counselors are available to anyone who has any questions or concerns, as well as to those who need help with issues they might have. Online counseling is fast becoming the more common way for people to get the counseling that they need because of its convenience and accessibility. Many are going to online therapy for personality disorder because they can get the help that they need from the comfort of their home. Many find it difficult to see a counselor in person, which is why qualified and certified online therapists are offering their services online. Anyone who believes they might be suffering with personality disorder can do a quick search online to find a counselor they can talk to. The sessions take place at set time by messaging back and forth through forums, chat rooms and e-mail; any way that the patient feels more comfortable with.

Jennifer Baxt is the owner of which offers a variety of online counseling services. If you would like to know more about Jennifer or any of our online therapists, visit our website.

Insurance When You Are Getting Married

Health insurance providers are not created equal. Before a man and woman is married, the advantage of administration advantage is acutely abnormal unless one of your insurers offers domestic partner insurance. As you become engaged, if you both accept partner insurance it is important to discuss about the both of you switching to the bigger plan if already you are married. There are a few factors consider, which accommodate deductibles, co-payments, and the insurance of anniversary separate plan. We all understand that marriage is a big step, and it can be done in a easy way if the two of you achieve important decisions such as your health insurance plan before you receive the big leap.

Your deductible is the bulk you charge or pay the anniversary year to begin your policy. When this transaction is done, you will be held responsible for whatever bulk of co-payment your insurance provider/company requires for you to pay for the health costs that are covered in your accurate policy. The bulk of co-payments that you will be responsible for is established at the time you agree to your health insurance policy. It is activity to be a assertive percentage of health expenses; for example, you pay 10% while your insurer will be paying the added 90%. You and your fiance should analyze both of your plans and point out which deductible and co-payment plan seems best adapted for the two of you.

Married couples are usually acceptable for many insurance that unmarried couples are not. Being insured alone by the health care provider sponsored by your administration may no best be the best advantage for you. If you or your fiance has insurance, and the other does not, already the two of you are affiliated they can be added to the added partner's plan. You should not be appropriate to pay added for adding a relative, child in the future because best affairs are offered to actual ancestors at no added cost. The best way to analyze behavior is to appraisal a annual amount of normal health expenses, emergencies, co-payments, and deductibles. Whichever plan has the cheap cost to you will about consistently be the best choice.

In addition to administration health insurance with your new spouse, you may additionally want to consider switching the blow of your insurance plans, such as the behavior you accept for your abstracted automobiles. This is because best companies will give you a benefit on accepting more than one vehicle insured. You may additionally be absorbed in award a company that can assure you home, automobile, and health in one place. If you backpack added than one action with a company, they will additionally usually pay you some sort of discount on them. It is important to sit beneath and talk insurance with your fiance because the two of you could be saving money and restarted by pointing out what accommodation is best before the time comes.

Author's name is Umer Hayat and is manager in one of the most famous multinational insurance company. He have vast experience in Insurance industry and it's types.

He was also the member for many other international insurance companies. so he know almost everything related to insurance and it's types.

You can check his sites related to insurance - in which he provides almost everything related to Insurance and you can easily find almost any question that is in your mind regarding insurance and it's types.

But if you only want to read more about the above thoughts then you need to work with this link. , hopefully you will find everything that you are looking for.

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