Many folks believe if they apply directly with an insurance company for health insurance, they will save on their premiums. It actually costs exactly the same and by going direct to the company, the policy holder is loosing a FREE service. Using an agent to place your health insurance will NOT cost you anything more. If fact, an independent agent represents many health insurance companies with NO additional cost to you!
By using an independent agent the policy holder will benefit from the experience of an insurance professional who has been dealing with many companies for many years. The agent will therefore know which company will offer the kind of coverage they are looking for and be able to explain the differences between each plan. Many agents offer online quotes that enable the customer to compare each plan side by side and then call to ask more specific questions.
More over, if a problem occurs after the policy is issued, the agent can assist with questions regarding premium payments, in-network and out-of-network coverage, finding a doctor, changing plans or assisting with a claim. An experienced agent, like those at will already have an established contact at the company and be ready to assist with most any problem. Most problems or questions can be handled the same day.
If you're still unsure, go direct to the company site and run a quote to see for yourself. If you feel more comfortable applying direct with the company, you can still specify an agent during the application process. If you already have a policy without an agent, you can add one at any time. If you have an agent and are unhappy with services you are receiving, most companies will allow you can change agents. Don't give up your right to have an agent on your side!
If you would like more information, contact an insurance professional at today! We offer fast free online quotes from top rated insurance companies.